Join West Sound Tech in congratulating Nora Zollweg, our student outreach coordinator for her Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Region V award for Career Guidance Professional of the Year!
During the 2019 Washington Association of Career and Technical Education (WA-ACTE), Nora, won the WA-CCER award as the career guidance counselor of the year. She then, went on in August 2020 to earn the WA-ACTE state award for career guidance counselor of the year.
Nora then moved on to the Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Region V awards competition. The Region V awards committee nominated Nora as the Region V Career Guidance Person of the Year! Nora now moves on to the ACTE national awards held this December in Nashville, TN.
Nora supports each and every student. She is committed to engaging and encouraging students to reach their full potential and meet their post-high school goals. Thank you, Nora, for everything you do for students each and every day! Congratulations!