2022 WST Summer School Registration is now open! Go to: https://wst.smapply.org/prog/2022_summer_program_/
over 2 years ago, Shani Watkins
Summer School Postcard Front
Summer School Postcard Back
Summer School Registration Begins April 15 at 8:00 am online registration. Programming at WST includes: Game Design, Construction, Cosmetology & Esthetics, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Fire Science, Medical Careers, & Welding. Go to: wst.smapply.org - SELECT SUMMER SCHOOL APP
over 2 years ago, Shani Watkins
WST Summer School Flyer
Classes offered for WST summer school
WST Seniors, apply now for the WAVE scholarship! This is an awesome support for your post-secondary plans and is just for CTE students! Apply now: https://www.wtb.wa.gov/wave/ Need help filling it out? We can help!
over 2 years ago, Shani Watkins
WAVE Scholarship
WAVE Scholarship
Facial Friday’s in the Esto class! we do all kinds of services. Call and book your appointments!
almost 3 years ago, Karyss Johnson
Chemical peel!
Laying out ceiling joists and stairs today in construction class #promotethetrades #build #nextgeneration #joinatrade
almost 3 years ago, Riley Smyth
ceiling joists layout
stair construction
Today’s progress in demo for the am class in construction careers #construction #promotethetrades!
almost 3 years ago, Riley Smyth
end of class
Beautiful luncheon for classified staff yesterday. Culinary Arts students did a fantastic job preparing the lunch. Thanks to Miss Janine and the Culinary students!
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
Culinary Arts salad
Culinary Arts Miss Janine
Pulled pork tacos
Beautiful lunch for classified staff
Rockin' Around the Clock with our Crocs #RockYourCrocs, #WSTRocksCrocsforClassified
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
Rock your crocs
Check out the latest WST Weekly Update: https://www.smore.com/hx427
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
WST Weekly Updated
Esthetics received new steamers for services. Schedule with esthetics today for a service, 360-473-0564. https://youtu.be/7R_hWvv4BIE
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
WST Steamer
#rockinthecrocs #fuzzycrocs
almost 3 years ago, Riley Smyth
everyone rock your crocs at west sound tech! #rockyourcrocs!
almost 3 years ago, Karyss Johnson
rock your crocs!
Take the opportunity today to thank a working mom #workingmomsday Know a working mom? Show your appreciation to a working mom with a handwritten note.
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
Working mom's day
Working mom's day
It's Spring Forward on Sunday, March 13 - Don't forget to set your clocks.
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
Spring Forward!
Construction and Welding students visit Anderson Construction site today @ASI Structures
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
ASI Structures
Get your CROCS ready to rock next week @WSTSC!
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
Rock Your Crocs
It's National Worship of Tools Day! Tools are a necessary part of daily life, from hammers, screwdrivers, to the wrench & far more sophisticated tools. Observe national worship of tools day by getting to work on your latest project & put your tools to work!
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
Today is International Bagpipe Day. Bagpipes are woodwind instruments that actually originate from ancient Egypt. There are different kinds of bagpipes, including the Highland bagpipe & the Lowland bagpipe (https://youtu.be/dMzQiu2mUlE)
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
International Bagpipe Day - Bagpipes
International Bagpipe Day
Thank you, Washington State Legislature! WST Modernization—$10.9 million Funding provided for grant funding to Bremerton School District to complete design & begin construction of a new CTE facility at West Sound Technical Skills Center in Bremerton.
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
Washington State Seal
Model Design of WST
WST Logo
Going into 11th or 12th grade? Interested in a WST program? Attend WST's Explore Your Future Event and get a link to REGISTER EARLY! Must be in attendance of the event. Tuesday, March 1, 5:00 - 7:30 pm, 101 National Avenue N., Bremerton.
almost 3 years ago, Shani Watkins
Explore Your Future