It's time to ShakeOut! At 10:15 a.m., DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON! Video link (drill broadcast): https://bit.ly/ShakeOutDrillBroadcastVideo #DropCoverHoldOn #ShakeOut

Free Food Boxes for Families.

Take your #ShakeOut drill a few steps further! Find out how you can secure your space, organize disaster kits, and minimize financial hardship with the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety: www.EarthquakeCountry.org/sevensteps.

Have peace of mind that you know what to do in the next earthquake: Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Join millions who are improving their level of earthquake safety through Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills: www.ShakeOut.org.

Are you ready to ShakeOut? We are! #ShakeOut is coming up soon on 10/15 at 10:15 a.m., make sure to register yourself or your organization online to be counted among the millions participating: www.ShakeOut.org/register.

Have you registered for ShakeOut yet? We did! JOIN US in the world's largest earthquake drill on October 15: www.ShakeOut.org/register.

Are you interested in being an ASB officer for WST? Now's the time! Go to the documents folder in the main menu and select ASB. The forms for completion are there along with the responsibilities section. Help shape WST and join ASB!

WST Student Handbook available NOW!
Check out www.westsoundtech.org, click on the Documents folder, then Our School, and Policies and Procedures. Toward the bottom is a Folder called Student Handbook.

Reminder: Join us TONIGHT via Zoom for an informational meeting about the new Youth STEM program offered at WST:

Want a 19-20 WST Yearbook?
Order NOW: https://tinyurl.com/WSTYearbook
Want to save those WST memories? Now's the time!

Families of WST:
The WST calendar has CHANGED:
The first day of school for WST is NOW September 9.

WST Fall Start:
WST will be remote in the fall with the intent to provide lab time for students to get hands-on practice.
Students will get a meaningful experience preparing them for life and career.

WST Summer School begins today! Excited to see all the learning students complete in the next three weeks.

Criminal Justice instructor John Bogen was presented with an Appreciation Certificated from the US Air-force for his continuing support and encouragement to his students to services for this country. He was honored by his fellow instructors for a job well done.

WST Cosmetology Spa Night a Success!